Grandson of the legendary Sir Asutosh Mookerjee, Justice Chittatosh Mookerjee is the true torchbearer of a great legacy. He started the general practice of the law in 1953 at Calcutta High Court. His work was marked for its quality and volume. When he was elevated to the Bench, he had an unbelievably large number about 3,000 briefs, which was a record by any reckoning. His crisp and lucid judgments covered the entire spectrum of law, shedding lambent light on many ticklish legal issues. No filigree or ornamentation, he left out all unnecessary details and with an uncanny sense went to the hub of the matter. He headed the Cauvery River Water Dispute Tribunal and made an unconventional but efficacious interim order directing release of water by Karnataka to Tamil Nadu. He was the first Chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission and did exemplary work to prevent and punish violation of human rights and transform constitutional phrase into a reality.
His contributions in diverse fields of endeavour have been splendid. Contact with him makes one grow, interaction with him keeps one’s faculties sharp. Knowledge to him is the bread of life.
It is given to very few to be a legend in one’s lifetime. Justice Chittatosh Mookerjee belongs to that select class.
SKOCH Lifetime Achievement Award

SKOCH Award, independently instituted in 2003, is India’s honest civilian honour conferred by an independent organisation as a third party assessment. It is the only award in the country that is based on feltneeds assessment and outcome evaluation based on evidence. It therefore, recognises people, projects and institutions that go the extra mile to make India a better nation.
SKOCH Award covers the best of efforts in the area of digital, financial and social inclusion. It encompasses the best of governance, inclusive growth, excellence in technology and applications, change management, corporate leadership, corporate governance, citizen service delivery, capacity building, empowerment and other such softer issues that get normally lost in the glamour and glitz of industry sponsored or advertising focused jamborees.
The SKOCH Award not only acknowledges exceptional achievers – organisations and individuals – but also spurs institutional guidance and best practices in the industry.